E&M had the pleasure of attending SOF Week 2024. SOF Week is an annual conference for the international SOF community to learn, connect, and honor its members. The event is jointly sponsored by USSOCOM and the Global SOF Foundation, held in Tampa, Florida at the Tampa Convention Center with over 700 vendors in attendance. The highlight of the convention is the almost hour-long Capabilities Demonstration known as the “Battle in the Bay” taking place in Tamp Bay adjacent to the convention center by Special Operators from 10 different countries. Some of the Capabilities demonstrated included a F-35 fly-over at 1000 feet, an AC-130J gunship flyover, MH-6 Little Birds conducting insertions and attacks, MH-60 Blackhawks performing gun runs, fast roping, Special Patrol Insertion/Extraction (SPIES), and sling-loading, a group of US MARSOF Raiders utilizing Parafoils, and a freefall jump into the bay.
Our Team had the opportunity to interact with multiple long-time and several potential new partners to discuss opportunities for future growth in multiple sectors. Additionally, E&M was able to see cutting-edge technology being currently used or soon to be in use by our US Special Operators around the globe.
Overall, this was another successful conference for E&M, as we look forward to “Battle in the Bay” 2025, we will continue to grow and learn while providing improved support to our customers.